Wednesday, November 14, 2018

2019 Garlic is in the Ground!

For almost a month now our garlic has been in the ground.  It took 3 straight days to get it all in, all 6,000 cloves of garlic.  I think it was the coldest weather that I have ever had to plant garlic in, and it was windy too.
 I planted garlic in two different areas this year.  Here are the two areas, covered with straw and ready for winter.

This picture was taken on the third and final day of garlic planting.  We had to get done with the garlic planting because it was suppose to rain all next week.  We ended up having to spread straw by the headlights of my truck.

This is what the ground looks like after having pealed and planted thousands of garlics.

Real Veggies Farm Facebook Page

 Real Veggies Farm is now on Facebook! Come check out our new Facebook page!  I will be posting updates on what is going on at Real Veggies ...