Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Recipes Added

I just added a few new recipes to the recipe page.  All three recipes are ones that I used for Thanksgiving.

The new recipes are:
Sweet Potato Cornbread
Mashed Turnips and Potatoes with Bacon
Turnip, Carrot, Cabbage Slaw

So don't forget to check them out.  Here is a link to the Recipe Page.

Homemade Turkey Stock

A few days after Thanksgiving I made some homemade turkey stock.  If you have a pressure canner, it is really pretty simple, and does not really take as long to make as I thought it would.  I followed the instructions on the National Center for Home Food Preservation site.  You can check it out Here

Basically what I did was place the turkey carcass with most of the meat removed in a large pot covered it with water and added about 4 stems of my celery (cut up) and about 4 or 5 medium size carrots (cup up) to the pot.  I boiled it for about 1 hour, until the meat could easily be removed from the bones.  Then I removed the meat and added back into the pot with the broth.  Then filled the jars with broth along with the meat and veggies, and filled within 1" from the top.  Then pressure canned it for 25 minutes.  In the end I ended up with 12 pint jars of turkey broth.

 Homemade Turkey Broth

So the other day I used the first jar of turkey broth and made some rice.  Here is what I used:
1 pint jar of turkey broth (about 1 1/2 cups broth, I used the meat and veggies from in the broth also)
1 1/2 cups water
2 tbls. butter
2 cups white rice
4 or 5 medium size turnips (skinned and cut into cubes)

I mixed everything together in the pot and cooked it according to the package directions.  When it was done I added a little more butter and some salt, and I think it came out pretty good.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I always love Thanksgiving because I love being able to cook up a large variety of my vegetables all on one day for one meal.  For Thanksgiving I only cook up sides that contain my veggies.  The only thing that is not mine is the turkey.  So of course I had to take pictures of my Thanksgiving meal to share with everyone.

 Mashed Potatoes and Turnips

Turnip, Carrot, and Cabbage Slaw

Spaghetti Squash with garlic and butter

Sweet Corn

Dragon Tongue Beans

Pumpkin Bread Stuffing

Sweet Potato Cornbread

Salad with Lettuce, Kale and Mustard Greens.

Not the best picture of our turkey since my dad started cutting it before I got to take the picture, but I think it was a really good turkey.  I got the turkey from Plum Creek Farm in Valley City, and I will plan to get a turkey from them again next year.  Plum Creek Farm on Local Harvest

Our table decorated with gourds and winter squash.

The crazy thing is the turkey was done way earlier than I had expected so I did not get to cook up all the sides that I had intended to make.  I did not even get to use my beets and other winter squashes.  Oh well, for the four of us I think we had enough food.
I also forgot to take a picture but we also made some homemade pumpkin pie, made out of real pumpkin.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mix Your Own Cherry Tomato Containers

I started something new this year with my cherry tomatoes, instead of just having the cherry tomatoes premixed in containers I decided to let customers choose which varieties of cherry tomatoes they wanted to fill their containers with.

We have over 15 different varieties of cherry tomatoes, and are available in many different colors and sizes.  We have red, orange, yellow, green, pink, purple, brown, and striped tomatoes.  Also available are pear tomatoes, which are shaped like a pear but are the size of a cherry tomato, we have yellow pear, red pear, ivory pear, and purple pear tomatoes.

Since we did not have a frost on Monday morning like they were saying we could, we should be able to have our cherry tomatoes available for at least one more week.  And if the first frost will hold off for awhile we may be able to keep picking them even longer.  It basically all comes down to the weather as far as how much longer we should have tomatoes for.


Here are a few more pictures that I took the other day around the farm.

One of many many gourds that I will be picking very very soon.

A whole bunch of gourds.

Some may be hard to see but there were quite a few gourds in this one area.  The bigger green ones are bird house gourds.

Just to let everyone know pumpkins, winter squash and gourds are going to be coming to the market this next weekend, and I will be continuing to pick more over the next couple of weeks.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Special Guests at Market

Tomorrow my parents are going to be lucky enough to have two very special guests join them at market.
Mr. and Mrs. Pepper.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Valley City Farmers Market Pictures

Here are some more pictures from Valley City Farmers Market this past weekend.

Cooking at the Farm

I do not live where I grow so when I get hungry I either have to bring food with me or pick food to eat.  So the other day, I brought foil, butter, some of my greens and garlic seasoning, some sausage, a knife and a fork and in the end this is what I ended up with.


I picked a scallion, a turnip, garlic, some celery, a three summer squashes, some sweet peppers, a green tomato, some broccoli, snow peas and shelling peas, and some swiss chard (that is not in the picture).

I put some butter in the foil first cut up all the veggies, mixed in some of my garlic and greens seasoning,  put some more butter on top and sealed it up real well.  Put it on the grill for about 10 to 15 minutes, or until the veggies are tender, and done!

I also did this again just recently and added some beans and cucumbers to the mix, I did not have them producing in the first time.  You can basically do this with a mix of any vegetables that you like, no mater what it still tastes awesome.  It is great for cookouts, instead of just having hamburgers and hotdogs you can have a bunch of veggies too! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Rats Tail Radishes

This is the first year that I have grown Rats Tail Radishes and I will, for sure, be growing them again.  Rats tail radishes are not grown for their roots (in fact they do not grow roots like regular radishes) but are instead grown for their seed pods.  Actually you can eat the seed pod of all radishes, but rats tail radishes are grown specifically for their seed pods.  So the seed pods of other radishes may be edible but will most likely not taste as good as rats tail radishes do.  They taste much like regular radish roots but are not quite as strong tasting, which can make them a wonderful addition to salads, you do not even have to cut them you can just throw them in.  They can also be great added to stir-fries and can even be pickled.

Rat's Tail Radishes are an Asian heirloom that began being grown in gardens in the US in the 1860's.  The great thing about this radish is that it may be grown all summer long since it actually likes the heat.  Most radishes will go to seed (bolt) when it is too hot (and will not produce a good root), well that is not a worry with rat's tail radishes since bolting is what you want them to do.

Unfortunately my first planting of rat's tail radishes is almost done producing, but I do have another planting in the ground that I should be able to start picking from in a few weeks.

What's Growing Update:
Just thought I would let everyone know how things are growing and what you can expect to be available over the next few weeks.

~ Peas ~ They are slowing down but my guess is I should have some type of peas available for at the next week or two.
~ Turnips ~ Sadly I have almost pulled all my turnips for this spring.  I should still have some for this next market, but that may be it until the fall, when I will be planting some more.j
~ Lettuce ~ Lots of people have been asking about lettuce.  I have a bunch of summer lettuces and greens growing right now but it will still be at least 2 or 3 more weeks before my summer salad mix is available.  Of coarse in the fall I will have all my main salad mixes available again, since I am planning on planting a very large variety of lettuces and greens.
~ Mustard Greens ~ I know a lot of people liked the mustard greens, and they will return again in the fall, when I will once again have them available for sale in mixed bunches and also in my Spicy Salad Mix and also mixed bagged mustard greens.
~ Zucchini and Summer Squash ~ My zucchini and summer squash is just now beginning to produce.  I am expecting to have some available for the next market.  Some varieties are ahead of others so I will not have all my varieties of summer squash and zucchini available this week.  The common green zucchini, and a few different varieties of yellow summer squash should be the first that I will be bring to market.
~ Zucchini Bread ~ Of coarse since I am going to be beginning to pick zucchini, I will be able to start making some zucchini bread for market again.

Well that is just a little update of how things are coming along.  If you are wondering exactly what we have available right now check out the list in the column to the right titled "What We Currently Have Available".

Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Dried Mixes Now Available

This year we now have a new product available, our dried seasoning mixes.  Since it is a new product this year we will slowly be adding new mixes and new dried items throughout the season.  Right now we have available: Dried Scallions, Dried Mustard Greens and a Dried Greens and Garlic Mix, which contains Mustard Greens, Kale, Swiss Chard and Garlic Scapes.

These can be used for so many things you can basically throw it into your favorite dish.  They are great for adding to a dish that may be to liquid and need some thickening, since they are dried and will soak up liquid from what you are cooking.  It can be added to soups and stews for this purpose or even if you are making a stir-fry and it needs some thickening.  These seasonings would be great added to pastas and also one my favorite ways to use greens, by adding them to scrambled eggs.  The dried scallions would also make a great addition to dips just be sure to let them soak for a little while.

So don't forget to check out our new item at Valley City Farmers Market and keep checking back for our new mixes that we will be adding throughout the season.

Market Pictures

Here are some pictures from the farmers market today.

Valley City Farmers Market
We are the second table from the left

One of our tables at the market

Monday, June 11, 2012

First Farmers Market of the Year Pics

Here are some pictures from Saturday's farmers market at Valley City.

 Our bagged lettuce and greens salad mixes.
This week our mixes included our Just Lettuce Mix, Spicy Salad Mix, Lettuce and Greens Mix, 
and our Ark of Taste Mix.  We also had spinach, mixed kale, mixed mustard greens and a couple of other
individual bagged lettuce varieties.

 Mixed varieties mustard greens bunches and mixed varieties kale bunches.

Picture of our table at the market.

We should have available at the next market:
Red, White, and Yellow Scallion Bunches
Garlic Scapes
Mixed Mustard Green Bunches
Mixed Kale Bunches
Swiss Chard Bunches
Yellow and Green Snow Peas
Beet Bunches
Bagged Salad Mixes:
~Just Lettuce Mix~
~Spicy Salad Mix~
~Lettuce and Greens Mix~
~Ark of Taste Mix~
Bagged Spinach
Bagged Mustard Greens
Bagged Kale
Peanut Butter Dog Treats
White Sandwich Bread

Monday, June 4, 2012

What We Should Have Available This Year

I just thought I would make a list of what we should have available this year and about when you can expect them to show up on our table at the market.

What We Should Have Available For the First Market
Saturday June 9th at Valley City Farmers Market
~Mixed Kale Bunches
~Bagged Salad Mixes (including Just Lettuce Mix, Spicy Salad Mix, Lettuce and Greens Salad Mix, A Little Bit of Everything Mix, and maybe some others)
~Mustard Green Bunches
~Red, Yellow, and White Scallions
~Bagged Mustard Greens
and some other vegetables and also breads.

Coming Soon!

~Red and White Kohlrabi 

~Beets (Many different varieties, including common red, orange, dark red, oblong, and some with rings inside)

~Yellow and common green Peas
~Rats Tail Radish – a radish that does not have an edible root instead the seed pod is eaten
~Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Cabbage (different varieties and colors)
~Swiss Chard, Collards, and Kale Bunches
~Yellow, Red and White Onions
~Basil Bunches (around a dozen different varieties of basils, just some include: lemon basil, cinnamon basil, purple basil, blue spice basil- which is my personal favorite, anise basil and of course your common sweet basil)

Coming in Early to Mid July

~Sweet Peppers (green, yellow, purple, chocolate, orange, and red bell peppers, banana peppers, mini bell peppers, paprika peppers and many more)
~Hot Peppers (many different varieties, we are growing some new very hot peppers this year, including the hottest pepper in the world)
~Summer Squash and Zucchini (many, many varieties, including your common zucchini and yellow squash, yellow, white and green patty pan squash, yellow, dark green, and light green round zucchinis, and many more)
~Potatoes (many different varieties and colors including: Blue Potatoes- yes they are actually blue inside, La Ratte Potatoes- fingerling potatoes, Irish Cobbler Potatoes- a white potato, Bintje Potatoes- a yellow potato, Sangre Potatoes- a red skinned white flesh potato, Russet Potatoes, Yukon Gold Potatoes, and Mountain Rose Potatoes- a red inside and out potato)  *Some varieties may be available later than other varieties, since they all have different maturity times.
~Okra (many different varieties including: your common green okra, smooth non ribbed okra, a long light green okra, red, and a green and red okra, plus a couple other varieties also)

Coming in Late July Early August

~Beans (Many different colors including:  common green, yellow, purple, and striped)
~Eggplant (Many different varieties and colors, long skinny, round, small varieties, white, purple, green, striped, and many more)
~Heirloom Tomatoes (So many varieties I could not possibly name them all, there are about a dozen different cherry tomatoes varieties, including yellow, pink, green, brown, purple, orange, and striped tomatoes, plus red purple, black and yellow pear tomatoes, we also will have slicing tomatoes of many different colors, paste and roma tomatoes, and a couple different varieties of stuffing tomatoes)
~Common and White Sweet Potatoes

Coming this Fall

~Pumpkins and Winter Squash (So many different varieties I could not possibly name them all, I guess you will just have to wait and check them all out in the fall;)
~Popcorn Corn

Some New Things For This Year

~Dry Beans
~Celery (common green, red, cutting- smaller and thinner than common celery, and rooted celery or celeriac)
~Cucumbers (a couple of new different varieties including a lemon cucumber)

*All availability times are approximate some things may be available earlier and some later.  Every year is different, depends on the weather, growing conditions, and when things get planted.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Farm Pictures

Rows of summer squash and okra (just planted) and just past that Frank planting tomatoes.

 A row of potatoes, just starting to come up nice (there are 3 rows total).

Some very pretty Mountain Rose Potato plants. 

 Six and a half rows of heirloom tomatoes, all different colors of cherries, slicers, and paste tomatoes.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Valley City Farmers Market Beginning Soon!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the first Valley City Farmers Market of the year is going to be on Saturday June 9th, starting at 9a.m. to 12p.m.  It will be located at it's normal location at Liverpool Township Depot, 6615 Center Road in Valley City, Ohio.

I can not believe that market time is almost here, time just flies.  Anyhow for the first market I should have available a variety of my salad mixes, mustard green bunches, kale bunches, radishes, scallions, and maybe some beets, turnips, kohlrabi, peas and possibly some other things.  Of course I plan to have some kinds of bread available, not sure exactly what yet.  I also hope to make some dog treats, and maybe some other new surprises.  I will be sure to post here what exactly we will have available before the market starts.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pictures - Cold Crops Planted

Here are a couple pictures of some of what I have planted so far.

To the far left (in the above picture) I have a bunch of stuff that I started by seed, including peas, turnips, beets, radishes, and carrots, there is also a row of onions.  The row that is almost in the middle of the picture are cabbage, broccoli and some cauliflower plants.  Under the row cover I have mustard greens and kale.  I covered them with the row cover to protect the plants from bugs and deer.  Then to the far right you can see some of my garlic.

What I planted from seed was kind of slow coming up for a while, since I planted it just before we had some cold weather.  Luckily it was cold but not wet if the ground would have been wet the seeds probably would have rotted, but they are coming up good now, so hopefully I should be alright.

I have all my lettuces planted elsewhere at home, once everything gets bigger and picture worthy I will post a picture of my lettuce area.

Grey Treefrog

So I did a little searching online and I believe the frog below that I posted a picture of is a grey treefrog.  I guess these guys are the largest treefrogs in Ohio.  They are also able to change colors to many different shades of  grey, brown, green and black.

Here is a good site with a bunch of info on these guys:
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Site - Grey Treefrogs

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cool Frog

So I was out planting onion sets about a week ago, and the neighbor from across the street came over saying he had something he wanted to show me.  He brought over a patio stool/table, or whatever you want to call it,  with this cute little guy on it.  He said he had just been sitting there for most of the day.  I think it may be some kind of tree frog, but to be honest with you I am not really sure if it is a frog or toad.  I did a little searching online and have not really found anything exactly like it just yet.  Anyhow I just thought he was really cool, and figured I would post the picture.  Unfortunately it is not exactly the best picture and does not really do the little guy justice, but it is still pretty cool.

Plant Pictures

I have been meaning to take some pictures, and finally did.  The picture below is of my plants that I have started under lights in my basement.  Some eggplant, celery, peppers hot and sweet, and lots of tomatoes.

This is a picture from in my hoop house outside of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussels sprout plants.
Hopefully I will get a chance to get them in the ground soon, since they should have already been planted.

Some kale plants in the hoop house, waiting to go into the ground.

Some mustard green plants.

Some cute little Mexican Sour Gherkin Cucumber plants.  These guys have the cutest little cucumbers that are not even dime sized.  I need to transplant them into larger pots and start to train them up a trellis in my hoop house, hopefully I will be able to add them to some of my salad mixes.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hoop House Complete At Last!

I have finally completed my hoop house!  It took me almost all day yesterday to finish it.  Being that it is so small I thought I could have it covered fairly quickly, so I did not think it was going to take me as long as it did, in fact after it was all done I was kind of exhausted.  At least it is done, now all I have to do is get the shelving and tables (old pallets on buckets:) together, and I am all ready to start some seeds in there.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Homemade Vanilla Extract

 Here is my homemade vanilla extract.  This is the first time I have made any, but I can't wait to use it in a recipe.  It is very simple to make, all you have to do is add some vanilla beans into vodka, let it sit for a month, and the strain it through cheese cloth.  It is as simple as that.  This is the real thing, not some imitation.  I will for sure be using this in my zucchini bread this year that I make for market.  I just strained it today and it looks, smells and tastes great!

Homemade Vanilla Extract
4 split vanilla beans, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 pint cognac or vodka

Place vanilla beans and cognac or vodka in a sterilized pint jar. Cap and seal.
Let stand in a cool dark place 1 month.  Shake bottle gently from time to time.
Pour liquid through a cheesecloth into a sterilized pint jar.  Seal tightly, and store in a cool dark place.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just thought I would post a picture of what my hoophouse looks like so far.  Unfortunately I have not been able to work on it for a few days since it has been raining and now snowing.  It has been kind of slow going, since the days I have gotten a chance to work on it, by the time I get home from work and get everything together, I only have around 2 hours to get anything done.  So sadly at the pace I am going, I still probably have another 3 days of work before I get to cover it with plastic, which would not be too bad if I could get some nice days where it does not rain or snow.  Oh well it will eventually get done in time for spring, so I will be able to start some stuff in there.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Start Of My New Hoophouse

Ok, so it isn't exactly finished, but here is the start of my new hoophouse.  It is going to be small, not for actually planting things in the ground in.  The main purpose of this hoophouse is going to be for protecting my transplants when it is still colder outside and before they get 100% use to outside conditions.  I will also be able to start some of my more hardy plants directly out here and skip the inside under lights step.  The actual size is 7'x8'.  I think if I get one nice day I should be able to almost finish it, so hopefully we will get a reasonably nice day here sometime soon.  I will post a picture when I have it finished.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hot Peppers for 2012

Last year was one of the first years that I really grew a larger variety of hot pepper, and since they seemed to sell reasonably well I figured I would grow even more this year. I know most people seemed to interested in the hotter peppers so this year I kept that in mind while deciding which peppers I was going to grow. Here is a list of a bunch of the hot peppers that I plane to grow for this year.

*Jamaican Red Pepper
The package reads "If you have a passion for heat, this is the pepper to grow!" This pepper is said to be 50 times hotter than the Jalapeno. The Jamaican Red is a close relative to the Habanero. 100,000- 350,000 scovilles.

*Habanero Mix Hot Peppers

*Chocolate Habanero Pepper
Chocolate brown habaneros, that are about 2" long. Measure in at over 300,000 scoville units.

*Lightning Mix Peppers
A habanero type of pepper, which is very hot. Come in a variety of different colors, including red, yellow, green, peach, brown, orange, mustard, and coffee tones.

*Tabasco Pepper
Yellow hot pepper usually under 2 inches long which ripens to red. Very hot pepper used to make, can you guess it? Tabasco Sauce! 30,000 to 50,000 scovilles.

*Bhut Jolkia Pepper
Also known as Ghost Pepper. May possibly be the worlds hottest pepper, measuring over 1,000,000 scoville units.

*Lemon Drop Pepper
A yellow when ripe chilli pepper, with a unusual citrus flavor. 5,000- 15,000 scoville units.

*Cayenne Peppers

*Jalapeno Peppers

I may plant a couple other varieties, but it all just depends on how much planting room I end up having in the end. Any other varieties that I plant will probably not be any super hot types. I may plant a hot pepper that can be used as a stuffing pepper. But we will see.

I thought this was interesting it is a link to the wikipedia's explanation of scoville scale, just in case anyone is interested in what exactly it means. It is kind of interesting.
Wikipedia- Scoville Scale

More on Omega 3's and Omega 6's - Fish

I just thought that I would do a chart of Omega 3's and Omega 6's in different types of fish, especially since most fish is very high in omega 3's. It was pretty interesting. First off check out Linkthe omega 6's in fish sticks verses the omega 3's. Crazy, isn't it. That explains why so many people have health problems, eating boxed stuff that they have no idea what is in it. How these companies can take something that can be so healthy for you and turn in into something so bad for you I have no idea.

Also another thing to point out is the difference between tuna in oil and tuna in water. Tuna in oil is way higher in omega 6's, which is because of the oil.

Something else to keep in mind is just because something you buy in the store says on it that it is high in omega 3's does not necessarily mean that you will benefit from it. If it is high in omega 3's but much higher in omega 6's, such as for example tuna in oil, you are not going to benefit from this like you would tuna in water. So really when it comes down to it you have to do your own research.

Once again all my info came from

1 ounce

Omega 3 mg

Omega 6 mg

Fish Sticks, frozen



Tuna, light, canned in oil, drained



Tuna, light, canned in water, drained



Tuna, white, canned in oil, drained



Tuna, white, canned in water, drained



Salmon, Atlantic, Wild, cooked



Salmon, Atlantic, Farmed, cooked



Walleye, Pike, cooked



Perch, Ocean, cooked



Perch, Mixed Species, cooked



Bass, Freshwater, cooked



Cod, Atlantic, cooked



Orange Roughy, cooked



Trout, cooked



Sheepshead, cooked



Tilapia, cooked



Burbot, cooked



Carp, cooked



Catfish, cooked, breaded



Catfish, farmed, cooked



Catfish, wild, cooked



Flounder and Sole Species, cooked



Haddock, cooked



Haddock, smoked



Herring, Atlantic, cooked



Halibut, Atlantic and Pacific, cooked



Mackerel, Atlantic, cooked



Pike, Northern, cooked



Sardine, Atlantic, canned in oil



Swordfish, cooked



Sunday, February 5, 2012

Omega 6, Omega 3 Ratio

Just thought that I would post a link to a page from the National Institutes of Health website, it is about the importance to balancing out your Omega 6 and Omega 3 intake. Ever since my friend and my dog, Copper have had health issues, I have become a lot more aware of the benefits of what you eat. I have also realized how important it is to your health to properly balance out your Omega 6 and Omega 3 intake. I have recently started feeding Copper (who has diabetes) a food that is higher in Omega 3 than Omega 6, and I have already seen some remarkable changes in him, and it has only been a couple of weeks. Before I switched his food I was giving him 9 units insulin, now I have been giving him 4 units insulin. Also with the other foods that I have fed him is seems as if it just goes right through him, now with this food it seems like his body may actually be absorbing and digesting his food better. We will see how it goes.

But anyhow here is the like to that page, it is really interesting.
The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3

Basically in this article they state that most people consume way to much omega 6 and not enough omega 3, which promotes may diseases.

They state what the following Omega-6/Omega-3 ratios have helped with the following diseases:
4/1 ratio - helped decrease cardiovascular disease
2.5/1 ratio - helped patients with colorectal cancer - where 4/1 ratio had no effect
2-3/1 ratio - decreased inflammation in those with rheumatoid arthritis
5/1 ratio - helped patients with asthma - where 10/1 ratio had the opposite effect

Also here is a link to the food that I have been feeding Copper:Link
Nature's Variety: Instinct Raw Frozen Diet Rabbit

Here is a table I made up of the amount of omega 3's and omega 6's in vegetables.
I got my information from

1 ounce vegetables

Omega 3 mg

Omega 6 mg

Artichoke, boiled



Asparagus, boiled



Beans, green, boiled



Beets, boiled



Beet greens, boiled



Beet greens, raw



Broccoli, boiled



Broccoli, raw



Brussels Sprouts, boiled



Brussels Sprouts, raw



Cabbage, boiled



Carrots, boiled



Carrots, raw



Cauliflower, boiled



Cauliflower, raw





Sweet Corn, yellow, boiled



Cucumber, with peel, raw



Eggplant, boiled



Mustard Greens, boiled



Mustard Greens, raw



Pac Choi, boiled



Kale, boiled



Kale, raw



Collards, boiled



Collards, raw



Kohlrabi, boiled



Kohlrabi, raw



Leeks, boiled



Lettuce, green leaf, raw



Cantaloupe, raw



Okra, boiled



Onions, boiled



Peas, boiled



Peas, raw



Peppers, sweet, green, boiled



Peppers, sweet, green, raw



Potato, baked



Pumpkin, boiled



Radishes, raw



Rutabaga, boiled



Shallots, raw



Spinach, boiled



Spinach, raw



Summer Squash, boiled



Summer Squash, raw



Winter Squash, boiled



Sweet Potatoes, baked



Swiss Chard, boiled



Swiss Chard, raw



Tomatoes, red, raw



Turnips, boiled



Turnips, raw



Turnips, greens, boiled



Turnips, greens, raw



Watermelons, raw


Also here are some other foods and their omega 3/omega6 ratios:

1 ounce

Omega 3 mg

Omega 6 mg

Chicken breast



Beef ground






Egg, hard-boiled



Rice, white












Real Veggies Farm Facebook Page

 Real Veggies Farm is now on Facebook! Come check out our new Facebook page!  I will be posting updates on what is going on at Real Veggies ...