Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Saturday, March 4th 2017 - Brunswick Kiwanis Spring Craft Fair

We are going to be attending our first craft show of 2017 this weekend.  We will be at the Brunswick Kiwanis Spring Craft Fair, at the Brunswick Recreation Center, on Saturday March 4th, from 10am- 3pm.  We will have pasta, bread, and pizzelles.  Hope to see everyone there!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Real Veggies Farm Garlic

Here are the varieties of garlic that I currently have in the ground and will be digging up in July.

Chet's Italian Garlic
Soft Neck (Artichoke)
Nice Medium Taste, HOT Raw 

Red Tochliavari Garlic
Soft Neck (Artichoke)
Mild Flavor

Inchelium Garlic
Soft Neck (Artichoke)
Medium Flavor

Korean Red Garlic
Hard Neck (Rocambole)
Strong Flavor, HOT

Bogatyr Garlic
Hard Neck (Marbled Purple Stripe)
Medium Strong Flavor

Khabar Garlic
Hard Neck (Marbled Purple Stripe)
Medium Flavor

Musik Garlic
Hard Neck (Porcelain)
Nice Strong Flavor, Large Cloves

Romanian Red Garlic
Hard Neck (Porcelain)
Strong Flavor, HOT

German White Garlic
Hard Neck (Porcelain)
Strong Flavor, Large Cloves

Latina Italian Garlic
Soft Neck (Silver Skin)
Very Nice Medium Strong Flavor

German Red Garlic
Hard Neck (Rocambole)
Full Body Robust Flavor

Carpathian Garlic
Hard Neck (Rocambole)
Hot & Spicy

Siberian Garlic
Hard Neck (Rocambole)
Lots of Heat, Raw

Georgian Fire Garlic
Hard Neck (Porcelain)
Pleasant Strong Flavor, HOT Raw

Chinese Red Garlic
Medium Flavor

I also have some new varieties in the ground, but I will be saving most of what I have in the ground, of those varieties, for planting this year, so that way I will have more next year.  When I start to dig out the new garlic varieties in July I will have to do a post on the new varieties and how they did.

Real Veggies Farm Facebook Page

 Real Veggies Farm is now on Facebook! Come check out our new Facebook page!  I will be posting updates on what is going on at Real Veggies ...